Saturday, May 16, 2009


Good Morning:
Saturday was always a special day at our house when I was a kid. We would go to the beach, get things done at home and just relax. I can remember Saturday night was the time to prepare for Sunday and going to church. Part of that was the Saturday night bath but, also being together as a family and just enjoy that time no TV to interfere. It was a time to prepare our hearts also for the worship on Sunday, to listen to God's word being spoken, Sunday school, Christian Endevor [youth group in this day], in the afternoon and, then Sunday night worship again at church. Of course there was the big Sunday dinner after morning church. In the evening visit others from the church after the evening service. So, it was a full day and a fun day to do all these activities. I never disliked going to church then and don't now either. My grandparents even made the Sunday meal on Saturday so that no work was done on Sunday except to feed the animals on the farm. You can see that times have really changed haven't they. I would like to read about what your Saturdays were like when you were a kid.

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